Fix TiVo

TiVo Has Lights Flashing on the Front

Your TiVo: Symptoms you may be experiencing

When you plug in your TiVo, you see one or more lights flashing on the front, but have no picture on your TV. This problem typically occurs when you first plug the unit in.

Fix my TiVo! - Solutions

This problem typically occurs in specific TiVo models, and means different things depending on the model.

TiVo Model Symptoms Likely Problem Likely Solution

TiVoHD Series3

Flashing green light Faulty components on the motherboard Motherboard repair. Refer to this page for more details.

Another option is to upgrade to a newer unit - here is a good deal on replacement TiVo Bolts with Lifetime service on Amazon.
TiVo Premiere Series4
(Ignore B or P after model number.)

All lights flashing Bad hard drive Replacement hard drive kit or TiVo Repair Service

TiVo Roamio Series5 (4-tuner)
(Ignore B or P after model number.)

All lights flashing or green light flashes and then immediately goes out.

All lights flashing: Likely a bad hard drive and/or bad AC adapter. (Bad AC adapters can damage drives.)

Green light flashes immediately when plugged in and then goes out (and then no other lights): Likely motherboard problem.

A new hard drive and a new AC adapter are likely required if all lights are flashing together. (Replacing only one of the two parts is not advisable.) Alternatively, order the TiVo Repair Service. In certain Roamios with a specific flashing light pattern, the issue can be a power supply only. See this YouTube video. If a drive and power supply (AC adapter) do not resolve the problem, then the unit may not be fixable.

TiVo Roamio Series5 (6-tuner for cable only)
(Ignore B or P after model number.)

All lights flashing

All lights flashing: Bad hard drive likely. Bad power supply is also a possible contribtor to this problem. Motherboard less likely.

Green light flashes immediately when plugged in and then goes out (and then no other lights): Likely motherboard problem.

Replacement hard drive kit or TiVo Repair Service. If a drive and power supply do not resolve the problem, then the unit may not be fixable.

TiVo Bolt Series6
(Any other Bolt not listed above; ignore a B or P after your model number.)

All four lights flashing If all lights flash and do not stop flashing, that's most almost definitely a failed hard drive. If all lights flash, Replacement hard drive kit or TiVo Repair Service, including possible data recovery (saving your recorded programs and OnePass options). If a drive does not resolve the problem, then the unit may not be fixable. See this video on YouTube of a TiVo Bolt with Flashing Lights. Also see the videos on this page regarding hard drive kit options.

TiVo Bolt Series6
(Same models as listed above)

Red light flashes and then goes out If you see a quick red light flash and then the lights go dark permanently, this is most likely a broken motherboard. This unit is not fixable. Best bet is a replacement unit - here is a good deal on replacement TiVo Bolts with Lifetime (AIP/"All-In") service on Amazon.

TiVo Bolt Series6
(Same models as listed above)

Red light is solid and never goes out If you see a solid red light when you plug in your Bolt, you likely need a new TiVo Bolt Power Adapter. If that does not solve the problem, the unit is likely unfixable. If an AC adapter doesn't solve the problem, your best bet is a replacement unit - here is a good deal on replacement TiVo Bolts with Lifetime (AIP/"All-In") service on Amazon.

TiVo Edge Series7
all models, including:
And all other TiVo Edge models not listed above

After unit is plugged in for a period of time, 3 lights on the front of the TiVo start flashing Hard drive failure If all 3 lights flash after the unit has been plugged in, a replacement hard drive should resolve the issue or the TiVo Repair Service for Series 7 TiVos is another viable option.


More Information about this problem

In the case of the TiVoHD Series3, a flashing green light always indicates a motherboard problem. In later model units (Series4 and above), flashing lights typically indicate a drive problem, but depending on the interval of the flashing, it could be a motherboard or power supply. This can be difficult to self-diagnose, so the best bet may be a drive kit, to see if that resolves the issue.

TiVo Bolt with Lifetime Service starting at $299.99 on Amazon

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